Rookie Year Review

The last few months have been interesting… although mostly heartbreaking life events, there have been a few moments of hope which I’ve grabbed and held tightly.

One of those moments is this — a job opportunity. I’ll be accepting a new job at Accenture that will result in less planes and more time at home post-COVID. I’m beyond blessed, excited, and rejuvenated at work… I needed something good. Really. And this is good.

Please be aware of your mental health. This fall is poised to be like no other in our lifetime. Check in with your friends. And dare I say, hug people against the rules when you know they need it. ❤️

And with that… the real reason we tune in. Here’s my rookie gardening year in review. Lots of lessons learned. Lots to look forward to next season.

Minnesota Garden — Zone 4B: Rookie Year in Review

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